... charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to aid you in attracting your perfect mate to your door... $6.95 |
...charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to aid you in attracting your companion soul to you. .. $6.95 |
...charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to aid you in bringing calm and stillness to yourself and your surroundings... $6.95 |
...charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to aid you in bringings the sun into all things, awakening the world around you with the energy of the life giver... $6.95 |
... charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to give a magical and energetic boost to your endeavors in all things... $6.95 |
...charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to aid you in riding the ebb and flow of life`s currents. $6.95 |
...charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to aid you in gettting what you truly desire out of life... $6.95 |
...charged, anointed with oils, and inscribed with runes from the Futhark alphabet to aid in bringing the glory and riches of a successful venture into your life... $6.95 |
...charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to help set the spirits of our departed loved ones free... $6.95 |
...charged, anointed with oils, and inscribed with runes from the Futhark alphabet to help protect you from harmful influences from within and without... $6.95 |
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...charged, anointed with oils, and inscribed with runes from the Futhark alphabet to help initiate and guide your magical transformation into your future self... $6.95 |
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...charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to help strengthen the call you give the call out to the world for the love and beauty you deserve... $6.95 |
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...charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to aid you in matters of money, business, and success... $6.95 |
...charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to aid you in breaking off of all negative past influence and opening yourself up to new experiences... $6.95 |
...charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to aid you in reaching that state of total enlightenment, Nirvana... $6.95 |
...charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to assist you in resisting the temptations set before you... $6.95 |
...charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to aid you in magically awakening yourself to see all the beauty of the world once again... $6.95 |
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...charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to aid you in sending all unwanted energies or engative intentions back upon their sender... $6.95 |
... charged, anointed, and inscribed with Theban script by a powerful witch to aid you in fufilling your most secret desires... $6.95 |
...charged, anointed with oils, and inscribed with runes from the Futhark alphabet to make your companion soul awaken, and call them toward you in time... $6.95 |
...charged, anointed with oils, and inscribed with runes from the Futhark alphabet to help heal your spiritual and physical being and bring you back to a state of completion... $6.95 |