Divine Money Spells

Divine Money Spells
Item# 1606110640

Item Description

Easy magickal spells to jump start your spiritual economic stimulus package.

God wants to invite prosperity into your life!

William Alexander Oribello and Dragonstar Agree You Will Only Become Wealth When You Start To Realize. . . MONEY IS DIVINE!

Here are spells to get what you desire the most!

This new book contains ancient magick techniques which utilize hidden power verses taken from the Holy Scriptures to gain enlightment, good fortune, riches and all-around prosperity. These easy to perform spiritual spells will have a deep impact on your life and your loved ones. Beginning in his childhood, William Alexander Oribello experienced contact with Divine Forces in the forms of Angelic Beings and Ascended Masters. These spiritual contacts taught him the secrets of creative force and how we all can utilize special verses along with candles, incense, crystals and gemstones for bring about prosperity should like God has said he would like you to receive.

Since Oribello s ascension to other realms, there has been a major void in the metaphysical field that has only lately begun to be filled by Dragonstar a metaphysician whose psychic linage dates back to the continent of Atlantis. Recently, Dragonstar researched through folders filled with notes made by Oribello on the subject of Divine Money Spells and agreed with the late avatar when he stated, Money and prosperity are not evil, only when one elevates material wealth over everything else does it become a problem. The Creator intends us to be happy and prosperous in this reality. Money and prosperity can bring peace of mind that allows one to concentrate on important spiritual matters and being able to help others.