Sachet Powders

Sachet Powders

To make someone uncomfortable so they will leave you alone, sprinkle around base of a black candle with their name on it and sprinkle a pinch into the flame...
Sprinkle near where an enemy walks...Make a neighbor or co-worker move away... Confound evil spirits...
Sprinkle in your shoes to draw good fortune and have lady luck smile on you.
Write the person’s name you wish to do your bidding on parchment in dragon’s blood ink, tape it inside your left shoe and sprinkle the powder over it.
High John the Conqueror Powder
Break through to success in any situation, burn a red or green candle with this powder sprinkled into the flame and around the base, also wear in your shoes...
Sprinkle on windowsills and thresholds to actively protect against incoming negativity...
Sprinkle around the workplace to create a peaceful and understanding environment...
Sprinkle in front of all doors and windows and in car on the new moon of each month to protect you from all negativity..
To bring joy and happiness into your home sprinkle this powder across the front door of your home...
To bring money to you just sprinkle some of this powder on your money, anoint and burn a green candle with “Money Draw Oil” also, carry a mojo bag; within it place a lodestone, a dollar, and a lock of your hair and a pinch of this powder.
Sprinkle about premises and in front of all entryways and windows to remove all problems and hexes.
Sprinkle around premises. Wear to obtain love, also sprinkle around the base of a pair of red imagine candles and under bed...