Aromatic Jar Candle $12.95 |
 Aromatic Jar Candle $12.95 |
 Aromatic Jar Candle $12.95 |
 Aromatic Jar Candle $12.95 |
 Aromatic Jar Candle $12.95 |
 Aromatic Jar Candle $12.95 |
 Aromatic Jar Candle $12.95 |
 Aromatic Jar Candle $12.95 |
 The surface of the jar bears a variety of general purpose symbols and comes in 7 color layers... $9.95 |
 Burn a Bayberry Candle on Christmas Eve, and ring in a new year of health, wealth and prosperity! $9.95 |
 ...intended to help bring peace and luck into your life... $9.95 |
 ...manipulate people and your surroundings. $9.95 |
 A powerful aid in bringing good luck and good fortune into your life... $9.95 |
 Garlic is said to possess the power of protection, particularly against demons and other such evils. $9.95 |
 Use it to empower your spells and prayers of protection and bring good luck and prosperity... $9.95 |
 Burn to bring wealth and prosperity... $9.95 |
 ...keep away police and other law-enforcement agencies. $9.95 |
 ...bring you good luck when playing the Lottery... $9.95 |
 Burn this black and red reversing jar candle for seven days and send negative or harmful energy back to its source. $9.95 |
 ...this potent black jar candle is used to chase away temptation, sinful desire, as well as other curses and ailments that the devil might bring... $9.95 |
 Burn to get rid of those spells and charms that plague you like curses, or simply use it in ritual to help remove those beneficial spells that you have worked before when you decide you have no need for them anymore. $9.95 |
 It bears the Holy Family gazing down from the clouds on the front and features 5 color layers... $9.95 |
 $9.95 |
 $12.95 |