Practitioners of herbal magic use Angelica Root to provide strength to ward off evil. This magical herb is powerful guardian used by... $4.95 |
 ...used in herbal magic for "luck" and "money drawing" and to insure against poverty... $4.95 |
 Agrimony is commonly used in magic herbal protection sachets and spells. This magical herb has the ability to repel hexes and curses... $4.95 |
 Alkanet is a purifying herb, smudged or burned on charcoal tablets to remove negative energy and protect... $4.95 |
 Aloe is a powerful protectant against all forms of evil. It is added to home protection sachets and hung at entrances of the home... $4.95 |
 Mild and gently commanding. More of a "persuasion" herb... $4.95 |
 For protection from spirits and to keep unwanted visitors or deviants away from your home... $4.95 |
 to enhance vital life energy, longevity & good health $5.95 |
 Hexing, Steadfastness, patience, and perseverance $4.95 |
 Steep Balm of Gilead Buds in red wine for a love potion... $4.95 |
 If you want to protect your home or business from enemies, to keep away evil and negativity, scatter this grain on the ground outside around your home or business... $4.95 |
 Prosperity, Protection, Purification $4.95 |
 Protection, Psychic Power, Healing, purification, strength. $4.95 |
 Prosperity, Wishes, and Money $4.95 |
 Burn benzoin to cleanse and protect a home... $4.95 |
 Make into a tea and mop the floors, wash the windows and sprinkle in the door way of a business... $4.95 |
 An herb of protection and vitality. $4.95 |
 Burn or carry a piece in a red flannel bag to defeat hexes.... $8.95 |
 This herb is very good for exorcisms, rub the leaves on the body of the possessed and then burn them outside... $4.95 |
 To have one wish granted, brew into a strong tea and sprinkle in a small circle during a full moon... $4.95 |
 Boil in water and let cool. Use as a floor wash for purifying areas where rituals are to be held. Sprinkle in all four corners of the room during ritual... $4.95 |
 Used holistically to relieve varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and blood vessel issues. $6.95 |
 A powerful controlling root use it to control a person or situation.. It is popular in Voodoo because of its strength... $4.95 |
 Used for legal difficulties and for money... $4.95 |
 Make an infusion of this herb and sprinkle around your house before going to court, to receive a favorable verdict... $4.95 |
 Add to love potions, to calm down a rocky relationship... $4.95 |
 To keep the law away, spread one pound of Celandine all around your yard at midnight... $4.95 |
 Calms the nerves and gives energy in adversity... $4.95 |
 To attract a new romance or maintain a relationship mix Chickweed Roses, and Orange Blossoms into your bath water... $4.95 |
 Protection from evil spirits and addictions. $4.95 |
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 Also known as "Five Finger Grass", a powerful money drawing effect... $4.95 |
 Use this herb in binding spells... $4.95 |
 Protection, Love, Exorcism, and Money $4.95 |
 Burn the leaves to help you see the future. $4.95 |
 Brew into a tea, sprinkle inside and outside the house to bring peace and happiness to a marriage. $4.95 |
 Known as the love berry. Use in your bath water or carry in a Red flannel bag...
$4.95 |
 To make a business trip profitable, brew Comfrey into a tea and sprinkle it on your luggage before departure... $4.95 |
 First, allow the herb to dry then ground it into a powder and add it to coffee, tea or wine... $4.95 |
 Use this powerful root for hex breaking and protection work. $4.95 |
 Be in command of any situation, influence others with subtle suggestions... $4.95 |
 Mix with Vervain and Mistletoe in a Pink flannel bag and carry it with you to attract love... $4.95 |
 Boil to use in a cleansing bath... $4.95 |
 Brewed into a tea and drink, Eyebright is an aid to mental clarity and psychic power... $4.95 |
 Feverfew is carried by clumsy or accident prone people to protect them from harm... $4.95 |
 Love, Money, Luck, Power, Protection. $4.95 |
 Flax Seeds are used for Money, Protection, Beauty, Psychic Powers, Healing... $4.95 |
 A most powerful mystical incense. Add to any ritual to increase the power. It is one of the three Holy incense... $4.95 |
 Galangal has been used for many different magickal needs... $4.95 |
 Aphrodisiac, longevity, meditation, psychic development, renewal. $4.95 |
 Lust, Luck, Love, Money, Wishes $4.95 |
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 Protect your home and family against spells and evil spirits. $4.95 |
 Use in spells to assist in psychic growth and clairvoyance, and to promote peace and tranquility. $4.95 |
 Use to purify your space, body and mind. Purge evil and negativity. $4.95 |
 Carry Irish Broom or place it under rugs to increase luck and ensure steady flow of money. Sprinkle it in your purse or wallet when looking for a house or apartment. Carry on trips for protection & safety. Use to stuff luck or money poppets. $4.95 |
 increase luck and to ensure a steady flow of money $4.95 |
 Aphrodisiac, visions, success on the job $4.95 |
 Love, money, prophetic dreams $4.95 |
 health, money, love $4.95 |
 Brings peace, love, healing $4.95 |
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 cleanse your space and remove negative energy or malevolent spells... $4.95 |
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 Powers: Love, Luck. $4.95 |
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